Tuesday 27 September 2011

3 days to go !!!!

Physical training is done and I am now taking it easy ahead of the challenge. If I am not prepared now, there is nothing more I can do that will make a difference. Pity we have not had a 30 degree + summer.

Since starting to prepare seriously a few months ago I have completed over 1000 miles and a 100 hours of cycling. This has been the equivalent of climbing 90 Roseberry Toppings or 3 Mount Everests and I have not felt this fit for many years.

I set off on Friday, meeting up with the other cyclists at Heathrow. Below is the itinerary:

Friday: travel arriving late
Saturday: travel (bus) from Accra airport to Elmina (Cape Coast area), chance to acclimatise
Sunday: first day cycling, 86km
Monday: 90km
Tuesday: 74km
Wednesday: 61km
Thursday: 62km, toughest day and overnight camping
Friday: 25km, arriving in Kwahu-Tafo, traditional Ghanaian welcome and celebration
Saturday: Tour of the town (especially the wells) led by local school children and a football match, Cyclists v Town
Sunday: travel back to Accra, overnight flight
Monday: return home, no doubt exhausted

Wish me luck, Gary

Monday 12 September 2011

Windy workout

I completed a 34 mile ride on Sunday, 22 miles (with Sharon) on Forest trails which was great practice. I finished off riding home the last 12 miles on the road and the wind conditions made it really hard.

Sharon took a few photos so I have updated my picture on the Virginmoneygiving site and wanted to check out how easy it is to import into this blog.

Seems easy enough!!
I've ridden to work today when the wind was even stronger. Bottled out on the return as I thought it was too dangerous with the weatherman warning of gusts up to 70 mph in North Yorks. If I can achieve back to back cycling all week it can only help my fitness.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Training, less than one month to go

I now have just 3 weeks before the cycle challenge!! The amount of donations has increased further and I have now raised £5058 which is fantastic. The charity will also receive UK gift aid adding more to the fund.

I am fully focussed on preparing myself for the trip. I will have my last jab shortly (rabies) and start the anti malaria tablets before travelling. Then it is all systems go.

Pretty much all my spare time is now spent clocking up miles and time in the saddle. As well as weekends, I have been riding to and from work. Although not too far, this is a 22 mile round trip, with 2000 ft of hill climbing.

The training plan given to us included back to back cycling days; spending at least 5 hours on the bike each day. I have done this a couple of times and apart from bum ache I would say I achieved this quite well.

The cycle challenge will take us off road so I have included some local forestry trails in my programme. I particularly enjoy this as it is more interesting, requiring balance and confidence as well as building fitness.

I had a set back last week as my bike was stolen whilst locked to my car!!!!!

I was on the way to visit my brother in Birmingham (who is also doing the challenge) with a view to cycling off road at Cannock Chase. I hired a bike for the day so at least I could maintain the training.

Thankfully the insurance came through promptly and I have managed to purchase a replacement bike quickly as I need to continue training.

I want to say a big thank you to Nathan at Evans Cycles in Castleford for listening to my circumstances and giving me a good deal.

The new bike is great and I just need to spend as much time as possible in the saddle to get it moulded to my shape.

More cycling this weekend, weather permitting, high winds and rain forecast.

I am new to blogging, but hope to keep up regular postings and add photos for you to follow.