Tuesday 27 September 2011

3 days to go !!!!

Physical training is done and I am now taking it easy ahead of the challenge. If I am not prepared now, there is nothing more I can do that will make a difference. Pity we have not had a 30 degree + summer.

Since starting to prepare seriously a few months ago I have completed over 1000 miles and a 100 hours of cycling. This has been the equivalent of climbing 90 Roseberry Toppings or 3 Mount Everests and I have not felt this fit for many years.

I set off on Friday, meeting up with the other cyclists at Heathrow. Below is the itinerary:

Friday: travel arriving late
Saturday: travel (bus) from Accra airport to Elmina (Cape Coast area), chance to acclimatise
Sunday: first day cycling, 86km
Monday: 90km
Tuesday: 74km
Wednesday: 61km
Thursday: 62km, toughest day and overnight camping
Friday: 25km, arriving in Kwahu-Tafo, traditional Ghanaian welcome and celebration
Saturday: Tour of the town (especially the wells) led by local school children and a football match, Cyclists v Town
Sunday: travel back to Accra, overnight flight
Monday: return home, no doubt exhausted

Wish me luck, Gary

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