Sunday 2 October 2011

Day 1 - Cycling

Arrived Safely in Accra on friday night and spent yesterday travelling to Cape Coast which is our starting point. Had the chance to visit the historic Slave Castle which contributed to the processing of 2 million slaves for lives in the new world. A very humbling experience but well worth it.

Today was an early rise and 86km of tarmac and dirt roads. Our bikes have been around a bit but with a little oil the creaking subsided. Forecast for the day was cloudy with rain which proved accurate. The rain is warm and refreshing.

Me at the start. Note jersey sponsor 'Texon'
Really enjoyed the day particulaly riding the off road. These dirt roads have been badly cut up with the heavy rains, it seems the rainy season has still not quite finished and this added a lot to the challenge. Not me, but a few of the other cyclists fell off navigating the deep ruts. Nothing too serious, most nursing their pride.

Off road the villages are very rural with most houses made from mud. The kids seem very surprised of the sight of so many cyclists in bright jerseys, and shout 'white man, white man' in ghanaian, waving and running towards us. It is not offensive, in fact a friendly call.

Rough roads

I completed the day reasonably refreshed looking forward to tomorrows adventure.

The map of todays ride:


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